For many business leaders and their teams, the end of the calendar year signals the turning of a page. It’s an ideal time both to reflect on the team’s achievements over the past year and to prepare for the work to come in the year ahead.

Establishing year-end traditions in an organization of sharing gratitude, celebrating accomplishments and using the knowledge gained over the past year to prepare for a great year ahead not only helps leaders start the new year off on the right foot, but also helps build a strong, supportive culture and team.  Below, 15 members of Business Journals Leadership Trust share how they and their teams come together to close out the old year and ring in the new.

8. Identify needed resources and point people for change.

We review the goals we set for the year and discuss what we did and did not achieve and why. We also talk about what we need to do differently and the tools and resources we need for the following year, and we assign point people to drive the changes. Then, we have a fun day to close out the year and celebrate the successes. – Aviva Ajmera, SoLVE KC